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ADM -Administration/Health/Education |
43xx - Postal Services 805x - Nursing & personal care facilities 806x - Hospitals 808x - Home health care services 809x - Health & allied services, nec 80xx - Health Services 821x - Elementary & secondary schools 822x - Elementary & secondary schools 823x - Libraries 824x - Vocational schools 829x - Schools & educational services, nec 82xx - Education Services 832x - Individual & family services 833x - Job training & related services 835x - Child day care services 836x - Residential care 839x - Social services, nec 83xx - Social Services 841x - Museums & art galleries 842x - Botanical & zoological gardens 84xx - Museums, Botanical, Zoological Gardens 8733 - Noncommercial research organization 911x - Executive offices 912x - Legislative bodies 913x - Executive & legislative combined 919x - General government, nec 91xx - Government Bodies 921x - Courts 922x - Public order & safety 92xx - Justice, Public Order & Safety 93xx - Finance, Taxation & Monetary Policy 941x - Administration of educational programs 943x - Administration of public health programs 944x - Admin of social & manpower programs 94xx - Administration of Human Resources 951x - Environmental quality 953x - Housing & urban development 95xx - Environmental & Housing Quality 961x - Admin of general economic programs 962x - Regulation & admin of transportation 963x - Regulation & admin of utilities 964x - Regulation of agricultural marketing 965x - Regulation of misc commercial sectors 966x - Space research & technology 96xx - Administration of Economic Programs 971x - National security 972x - International affairs 97xx - National Security& International Affairs |
ALI - Agriculture/Beverages |
011x - Cash grains 013x - Field crops, except cash grains 016x - Vegetables & melons 017x - Fruits & tree nuts 018x - Horticultural specialities 019x - General farms, primarily crop 01xx - Agricultural Production - Crops 021x - Livestock except dairy & poultry 024x - Dairy farms 025x - Poultry & eggs 027x - Animal specialities 02xx - Agricultural Production - Livestock 072x - Crop services 074x - Veterinary services 075x - Animal services, except veterinary 076x - Farm labor & management services 078x - Landscape & horticultural services 07xx - Agricultural Services 08xx - Forestry 091x - Commercial fishing 092x - Fish hatcheries & preserves 097x - Hunting & game propagation 09xx - Fishing & Hunting 201x - Meat products 202x - Dairy products 203x - Preserved fruits & vegetables 204x - Grain mill products 205x - Bakery products 206x - Sugar & confectionery products 207x - Fats & oils 208x - Beverages 209x - Miscellaneous food & kindred products 20xx - Food & Kindred Products 211x - Cigarettes 212x - Cigars 21xx - Tobacco Products |
ASS - Insurance |
631x - Life insurance 632x - Medical svcs& health& accident insurance 633x - Fire, marine, & other insurance 635x - Surety insurance 637x - Pension, health & welfare funds 639x - Insurance carriers, nec 63xx - Insurance Carriers 64xx - Insurance Agents, Brokers & Service |
AUT - Automotiv/Aviation/Train |
371x - Motor vehicles & equipment 372x - Aircraft & parts 373x - Ship & boat building & repairing 374x - Railroad equipment 375x - Motorcycles, bicycles & parts 376x - Guided missiles & space vehicles, parts 379x - Misc transportation equipment 37xx - Transportation Equipment |
BAN - Banks/Savings Banks |
601x - Central reserve depositories 602x - Commercial banks 603x - Savings institutions 606x - Credit Instutions 608x - Foreign bank, branches & agencies 608x - Functions closely related to banking 60xx - Depository Banking Institutions 611x - National & national sponsored credit 615x - Business credit institutions 61xx - Nondepository Credit Institutions 623x - Security & commodity exchanges 6282 - Investment advice 62xx - Security & Commodity Brokers 671x - Holding offices 672x - Investment offices 673x - Trusts 679x - Miscellaneous investing 67xx - Holding & Other Investment Offices |
BOI - Wood/Paper |
242x - Sawmills & planing mills 243x - Millwork, plywood & structural members 244x - Wood containers 245x - Wood buildings & mobile homes 249x - Misc wood products 24xx - Lumber & Wood Products 251x - Household furniture 252x - Office furniture 253x - Public building & related furniture 254x - Partitions & fixtures 259x - Miscellaneous furniture & fixtures 25xx - Furniture & Fixtures 261x - Pulp mills 262x - Paper mills 263x - Paperboard mills 265x - Paperboard containers & boxes 267x - Miscellaneous converted paper products 26xx - Paper & Allied Products |
BTP - Construction |
15xx - General Building Contractors 16xx - Heavy Construction Except Building 171x - Plumbing, heating, air conditioning 172x - Painting & paper hanging 173x - Electrical work 174x - Masonry, stonework & plastering 175x - Carpentry & floor work 176x - Roofing, siding, & sheet metal work 177x - Concrete work 178x - Water well drilling 179x - Misc special trade contractors 17xx - Special Trade Contractors 324x - Cement 325x - Structural clay products 327x - Concrete, gypsum & plaster products 328x - Cut stone & stone products 32xx - Cement, Stone, Clay Products 65xx - Real Estate |
CHI - Chemicals |
281x - Industrial inorganic chemicals 282x - Plastics materials & synthetics 283x - Drugs 284x - Soap, cleaners & toilet goods 285x - Paint & allied products 286x - Industrial organic chemicals 287x - Agricultural chemicals 289x - Miscellaneous chemical products 28xx - Chemicals & Allied Products 301x - Tires & inner tubes 302x - Rubber & plastics footwear 305x - Hose, belting, gaskets & packing 306x - Fabricated rubber products, nec 308x - Miscellaneous plastics products, nec 30xx - Rubber & Miscellaneous Plastics Products 321x - Flat glass 322x - Glass & glassware, pressed or blown 326x - Pottery & related products 329x - Misc nonmetallic mineral products 32xx - Glass Products |
DIS - Wholesale/Retail |
501x - Motor vehicles, parts & supplies 502x - Furniture & homefurnishings 503x - Lumber & construction materials 504x - Professional & commercial equipment 505x - Metals & minerals, except petroleum 506x - Electrical goods 507x - Hardware, plumbing & heating equip 508x - Machinery, equipment & supplies 509x - Miscellaneous durable goods 50xx - Wholesale Trade Durable Goods 511x - Paper & paper products 512x - Drugs, proprietaries & sundries 513x - Apparel, piece goods & notions 514x - Grocery & related products 515x - Farm products raw materials 516x - Chemicals & allied products 517x - Petroleum & petroleum products 518x - Beer, wine & distilled beverages 519x - Misc nondurable goods 51xx - Wholesale Trade Nondurable Goods 521x - Lumber & other building materials 523x - Paint, glass & wallpaper stores 525x - Hardware stores 526x - Retail nurseries & garden stores 527x - Mobile home dealers 52xx - Building Material,Garden Supply&Hardware 531x - Department stores 533x - Variety stores 539x - Miscellaneous general merchandise stores 53xx - General Merchandise Stores 541x - Grocery stores & Supermarkets 542x - Meat & fish markets 543x - Fruit & vegetable markets 544x - Candy, nut & confectionery stores 545x - Dairy products stores 546x - Retail bakeries 549x - Miscellaneous food stores 54xx - Food Stores & Supermarkets 551x - New & used car dealers 552x - Used car dealers 553x - Auto & home supply stores 554x - Gasoline service stations 555x - Boat dealers 556x - Recreation vehicles 557x - Motorcycle dealers 559x - Automotive dealers, nec 55xx - Auto Dealers & Service Stations 565x - Family clothing stores 566x - Shoe stores 569x - Miscellaneous apparel & accessory stores 56xx - Apparel & Accessory Stores 571x - Furniture & homefurnishings stores 572x - Household appliance stores 573x - Radio, Television, Music&Computer stores 57xx - Furniture & Homefurnishings Stores 591x - Drug stores & proprietary stores 592x - Liquor stores 593x - Used merchandise stores 594x - Miscellaneous shopping goods stores 596x - Nonstore retailers 598x - Fuel dealers 599x - Retail stores, nec 59xx - Miscellaneous Retail |
DIV - Various |
391x - Jewelry, silverware & plated ware 393x - Musical instruments 394x - Toys & sporting goods 395x - Pens, pencils, office & art supplies 396x - Costume jewelry, not precious metal 399x - Miscellaneous manufacturers 39xx - Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries |
EDI - Printing/Publishing |
271x - Newspapers 272x - Periodicals 273x - Books 274x - Miscellaneous publishing 275x - Commercial printing 276x - Manifold business forms 277x - Greeting cards 278x - Blankbooks & bookbinding 279x - Printing trade services 27xx - Printing & Publishing |
ELE - Electrical Machines |
361x - Electrical transmissn&distribution equip 362x - Electrical industrial apparatus 363x - Home appliances 364x - Electrical lighting & wiring equipment 365x - Household audio & video equipment 366x - Communications equipment 367x - Electrical components & accessories 369x - Misc electrical equipment & supplies 36xx - Electronic & Other Electric Equipment |
INF - Computing |
357x - Computers Producers 481x - Telephone-Communication 504x - Resellers 7374 - Data Processing 7376 - ASP Applications Services Provider 7379 - ISP Internet Services Provider 737x - IT-Services |
MEC - Measurement, Analysis, Control |
351x - Engines & turbines 352x - Farm & garden machinery & equipment 353x - Construction, mining &materials handling 354x - Metalworking machinery & equipment 355x - Special industrial machinery & equipment 356x - General industrial machinery & equipment 357x - Office equipment 358x - Refrigeration&service industry machinery 359x - Industrial machinery, nec 35xx - Industrial Machinery & Equipment 381x - Search & navigation equipment 382x - Measuring & controlling devices 384x - Medical instruments & supplies 385x - Ophthalmic goods 386x - Photographic equipment & supplies 387c - Watches, clocks, watchcases & parts 38xx - Measureing instruments &related products |
MET - Minerals/Mining |
108x - Metal mining services 109x - Miscellaneous metal ores 10xx - Metal Mining 12xx - Coal Mining 141x - Dimension stone 142x - Crushed & broken stone 144x - Sand & gravel 148x - Nonmetallic minerals services 149x- Misc nonmetallic minerals 14xx - Nonmetallic Minerals Except Fuels |
PET - Oil/Gas |
13xx - Oil & gas extraction 291x - Petroleum refining 295x - Asphalt paving & roofing materials 299x - Miscellaneous petroleum & coal products 29xx - Petroleum & Coal Products 491x - Electric services 492x - Gas production & distribution 493x - Combination utility services 494x - Water supply 495x - Sanitary services 496x - Steam & air conditioning supply 497x - Irrigation systems 49xx - Electric, Gas & Waste Services |
SER - Services |
482x - Telegraph & other communications 483x - Radio & television broadcasting 484x - Cable & other pay television services 48xx - Communications 58xx - Eating & Drinking Places 6091 - Nondeposit trust facilities 6211 - Security brokers & dealers 6221 - Commodity contracts brokers, dealers 6289 - Security & commodity services, nec 62xx - Security & Commodity Brokers 6794 - Patent owners & lessors 701x - Hotels & motels 702x - Rooming & boarding houses 703x - Camps & recreational vehicle parks 704x - Membership-basis organization hotels 70xx - Hotels & Other Lodging Places 721x - Laundry, cleaning & garment services 726x - Funeral service & crematories 729x - Miscellaneous personal services 72xx - Personal Services 731x - Advertising 732x - Credit reporting & collection 733x - Mailing, reproduction, stenographic 734x - Services to buildings 735x - Miscellaneous equipment rental & leasing 736x - Personnel supply services 738x - Miscellaneous business services 73xx - Business Services 751x - Automotive rentals & leasing, no drivers 752x - Automobile parking 753x - Automotive repair shops 754x - Automotive services, except repair 75xx - Auto Repair, Services & Parking 762x - Electrical repair shops 763x - Watch, clock & jewelry repair 769x - Miscellaneous repair shops 76xx - Miscellaneous Repair Services 781x - Motion picture production & services 782x - Motion picture distribution & services 783x - Motion picture theaters 78xx - Motion Pictures 792x - Producers, orchestras, entertainers 799x - Misc amusement, recreation services 79xx - Amusement & Recreation Services 801x - Offices, clinics of medical doctors 802x - Offices & clinics of dentists 804x - Offices of health practitioners 807x - Medical & dental laboratories 80xx - Offices of medical doctors - Medical labor. 81xx - Legal Services 861x - Business associations 862x - Professional organizations 863x - Labor organizations & unions 864x - Civic, social & fraternal associations 865x - Political organizations 866x - Religious organizations 869x - Membership organizations, nec 86xx - Membership organizations 871x - Engineering & architectural services 872x - Accounting, auditing & bookkeeping 873x - Scientific research and Test 874x - Management & public relations 87xx - Engineering & Management Services 88xx - Private Households (domestic staff) 89xx - Services, nec |
SID - Metalogy/Foundries |
331x - Blast furnace & basic steel products 332x - Iron & steel foundries 333x - Primary smelting of nonferrous metals 335x - Nonferrous rolling & drawing & extrusion 336x - Nonferrous foundries (castings) 339x - Miscellaneous primary metal products 33xx - Primary Metal Products 341x - Metal cans & shipping containers 342x - Cutlery, handtools & hardware 343x - Plumbing & heating except electric 344x - Fabricated structural metal products 345x - Screw machine products, bolts, etc 346x - Metal forgings & stampings 347x - Coating, ingraving and allied services 348x - Arms & accessories, nec 349x - Miscellaneous fabricated metal products 34xx - Fabricated Metal Products |
TEX - Textile |
221x - Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton 222x - Broadwoven fabric mills, manmade 223x - Broadwoven fabric mills, wool 224x - Narrow fabric mills 225x - Knitting mills 226x - Textile finishing, except wool 227x - Carpets & rugs 228x - Yarn & thread mills 229x - Miscellaneous textile goods 22xx - Textile mill products 232x - Men's & boys' furnishings 233x - Women's & misses' outerwear 234x -Women's & children's undergarments 236x - Girls' & children's outerwear 237x - Fur goods 238x - Miscellaneous apparel & accessories 239x - Misc fabricated textile products 23xx - Apparel & Other Textile Products 311x - Leather tanning & finishing 313x - Footwear cut stock 314x - Footwear, except rubber 315x - Leather gloves & mittens 316x - Luggage 317x - Handbags & personal leather goods 319x - Leather goods, nec 31xx - Leather & Leather Products |
TRA - Public Transport |
401x - Railroads 40xx - Railroad Transportation 411x - Local & suburban transportation 412x - Taxicabs 413x - Intercity & rural bus transportation 414x - Bus charter service 415x - School buses 417x - Bus terminal & service facilities 41xx - Local & Interurban Passenger Transit 421x - Trucking & courier services, except air 422x - Public warehousing & storage 423x - Truck terminal & maintenance facilities 42xx - Trucking & Warehousing 443x - Frieght transportation on lakes & canals 444x - Transport of freight by water, nec 448x - Water transportation of passengers 449x - Water transportation services 44xx - Water Transportation 451x - Air transportatn, scheduled&courier svcs 452x - Air transportation, nonscheduled 458x - Airports, flying fields, services 45xx - Transportation By Air 461x - Pipelines, except natural gas 46xx - Pipelines, Except Natural Gas 472x - Passenger transport service 473x - Freight transportation services 478x - Miscellaneous services 47xx - Transportation Services |